starbucks gift cards


Illustrate 6 summer themed gift cards that could be seen and sold at a Starbucks coffee shop. The cards when together should appear as a set, yet also stand out on their own.


Digital Illustration


Summer Theme

Fit Starbucks Asthetic


The challenging part with these gift cards was they had to be summer themed while matching the vibe of current and previous gift cards that Starbucks sells. I started off by doing research into what styles and looks Starbucks goes for when issuing gift cards. I found that most are quite playful and illustrative. I wanted to make them summer themed without being basic and drawing patterns of sunglasses and flip flops so i decided to tell a story and a memory of what summers were like for me as a kid. I incorporated illustrations of locations and set ups that were nostalgic to me as a thought back on what summer meant to me as a child.


calyx coffee & plant shop packaging